"1668 - “Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes big things decay."

Wine can arise from a shared dream.

A dream that my father and I wanted to make come true in 1996, first by renovating the 1700's farmhouse which today houses the winery, the ageing cellar, the office and the tasting areas, and then by planting about 9 hectares of vineyards. Dad unfortunately left us in 2018 but the dream continues and the family of our wines - currently 9 - continues to grow in both quality and recognition.


With our wine we communicate our philosophy and we help the environment. Whoever will taste one of our labels will be active in our project and will give us his important contribution.

The love for the territory and the environment that surrounds us are an integral part of our way to produce grapes: we don't use chemical weed killers, we use fertilizers based on microelements, we practice green manure to bring natural nutrients to the soil of our vines. For their defense we make extensive use of copper products and only in case of need of systemic ones.

vittorio codecasa


The first vineyard of 1.5 hectares was planted in 1996 around Cascina Cà Nova with nebbiolo and erbaluce grapes.

Sempre a Bogogno nel 2000 rinasce dal bosco la vigna di San Quirico, un antico appezzamento di 1 ettaro, acquistato da 14 agricoltori che ci hanno affidato i loro terreni e la loro memoria storica. Qui si produce il San Quirico, uno dei vini più pregiati della nostra produzione per la sua spiccata mineralità.

Nel 2000 fu impiantato a Romagnano Sesia una vigna di circa 6 ettari che ha dato vita, fino alla vendemmia 2023, al nostro Ghemme Docg e Ghemme Docg Riserva. Rocce di basalto porfido e altri materiali alluvionali conferiscono ai grappoli di nebbiolo sentori minerali che si rivelano nel vino.



Each "cantina" is the image of its owner. The winemaking techniques and the stylistic choices for each type of wine, made us realize a technological but at the same time traditional cellar. The vinification area with refrigerated stainless steel tanks face the aging area where we placed large oak barrels and French oak barriques.

The bottling of the about 45,000 bottles produced takes place twice a year. Then the wines are stored in steel racks waiting for the selling time which, for wines to be aged, happens after many years.


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